Finley’s hoops for helping homelessness

By Finley Rule

Every week when I come home from tutoring, we drive past Musgrave Park and see lots of people living in tents. They live here because they have nowhere else to go and because living in a house is really expensive. 

One day we drove past and it was raining really hard but the tents were still there. I asked my mum where they go and she said that the tent is still their only option sometimes. 

I wondered how they keep warm, or where they have hot showers - so mum told me about Orange Sky. They raise money for special orange vans that drive around and meet people who need help and give them warm showers and wash clothes. 

I like knowing there are people who care about people who have to sleep rough. 

Mum told me we could fundraise to help. Mum said I should give up my Nintendo Switch for a month, but I thought people will want me to do something cool. I really like basketball so I’m going to shoot 100 hoops every day for November. That will be 3,000 hoops all up. 

If you can donate that would be really good, so I can give all the money to Orange Sky. 

Thank you. 

From Finley Rule 

On any given night in Australia, over 122,494 people are experiencing homelessness, with many more experiencing hardship every day. 

I am supporting Orange Sky, a not-for-profit organisation who support everyday Aussies with access to free laundry, warm showers and a space for genuine connection through conversation.  

I'd love your support by making a donation to my fundraising efforts. Your support will help ensure Orange Sky's volunteers can continue to show up at more than 350 weekly shifts to provide laundry, showers and connection.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Mum And Dad

You’ve got this Finny! We are proud of you buddy!


Beverley Rule

BB is very proud of you.


Strong Erin

You're a legend Finley! Keep shooting those hoops!


Cal, Bri And Darcy

Go Finley! You rule, buddy!


Vivien Martin

Thank you for doing this for the homeless Finley. From Aunty Vivien.


Janette And John Mccarthy

We are very proud of you Finley to support such a worthy cause. Love you. 🥰


Mel Trent

Way to go Finley - great work!


Flynn And Aurelia

We think what you’re doing is amazing! That’s a lot of hoops and we’re really proud to support you. Go Finley!


Grace & Mary Martin

Great work Finley, this is a great cause to support


Lachlan Burt

Well done Finley. That's a really kind thing to do. From Lachlan B





Go Finley!! You have such a big heart, your parents must be so proud of you ❤️


Pernilla White

What a super kind thing to do Finely. Good luck - I hope you reach your goal and good luck with shooting your hoops in November :) Have fun!


Cassie Batten

What an huge effort Finley, well done!


Renae Randle

Finley what an incredible choice you have made to help others. Your big heart will take you far in life 💞


Jess Leth

Go Finley!


Jess Leth

Go Finley!


Jock Beveridge

Nice work, Finley!


Katie Muldoon

Well done Finley, 3000 hoops is a huge effort!


Lizzy B

You’re doing amazing work, Finley! That heart of gold will take you to great places. Go get those hoops!



Keep on shooting them hoops Finley! You're doing a great job.


Katherine Rowe

Well done Finley!


Belinda Mclellan

Go Finley! This is an excellent thing to raise money and awareness for. I’ll give double if if you do the Nintendo Switch p LLC next time!!




Alison Morris

What an amazing thing to be doing Finley! Go get em' Buddy!


Go Finley Go!!

Fantastic job Finley!!


Hank Accornero

What a pawsitive role model you are Finley . Well done love Hank 🐾🤎


Victoria Beehre


Meg Bauer

Swish! What a wonderful and inspiring way to help others. Happy hooping ⛹🏼


Michelle Everett

Finley Amazing effort! I live near the park so you are helping those in my community and that is terribly kind and we love your support.


Matt Hutton

Inspirational, Finley! No doubt all this practice will pay off on the free throw line!


Kamania Mckee

Go Finley! 🏀


Nial Rule

Well done Finley, what a great cause. Very proud of you love Dad.


Zane Morgan

Good luck Finely !


Marilyn Lenton

Well done Finley. Such a great cause!





Hey Finley! You're a true hero for making a difference. If we all do a little something, then together we can do amazing things. Keep up the awesome work – you're helping make the world a better place!


Trisha Gray


Harvey Grech

Hi Finley, Harvey here, remember me from Prep? I have donated $20 of my birthday money. You have inspired me and I think I might do a similar challenge to help animals with no homes. You rock! P.S I hope you get enough money from Hazel


Louise Camfield

Go Finlay, truly inspirational!!!


Eunice Byrnes


Sarah Simpson

Great job Finley!



What a great way to raise money for people who need a bit of help Finley. You are very thoughtful to think of other people. Keep up the good work 👍. From Nerida (I'm a friend of your parents from a long long time ago 👵😂)


Eddie Lynagh

Dear Finley, Here is some of my pocket money because I think you are doing a great job and I think you are making a good choice. Good luck with the hoops! From Eddie


Eunice Byrnes

Good luck in your fundraising