Learn more about some of the friends we've met on shift and be inspired to make an impact.
Damo's Story
“Just to have somebody remember your name, and your face, [and] what they know of your story - it is dignifying. It shows a respect that is non-existent throughout a homeless person’s day.”
Watch Damo's Video
What is ‘experiencing’ homelessness?
The 2021 census found that 122,000 Australians are experiencing homelessness. That’s one in 200 people. Homelessness in Australia is not defined by living on the street.
It can take just a couple of things going wrong – medical issues, domestic or family violence, unexpected bills, loss of a job or the breakdown of a relationship – to lead someone to experience homelessness.
However, homelessness is not who a person is, it is simply a point in time that they are currently ‘experiencing’.
Why is connection important?
People who experience homelessness are often disconnected from their community.
This means there is less opportunity for human connection, something we all need, and support is harder to come by because disconnection from the community translates into disconnection from people and services that can help.
Where does my money go?
Orange Sky operates 56 services across 34 locations in Australia, and has over 2,000 volunteers who support hundreds of people, who rely on us to be at the same place at the same time every week.
The money you raise supports our vans to stay on the road and makes sure our volunteers have everything they need to do the things they do best.
A study commissioned by Orange Sky as part of Homelessness Week 2021 revealed that one in five Australians have experienced homelessness at some point in their lives.