I'm supporting Orange Sky in July
Orange Sky is such a special service... I’m often wearing my Orange Sky hoodie and get to give them a plug to anyone that asks – a free mobile laundry and shower service for people experiencing homelessness or hard times. But they’re so much more than that, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some incredible Orange Sky volunteers – they provide a safe, positive and supportive environment and are absolute angels.
In July, BOQ goes orange with Orange Sky July! I’m super proud to support and ask anyone that can to spare a few dollars to donate so we can create van loads of hope for those in need.
In case you’re wondering, here’s how donations help a load:
- $24 provides clean laundry and a warm shower for a friend doing it tough.
- $115 enables a volunteer to provide two hours of connection through conversation.
- $288 supports and entire shift of clean laundry, warn showers, and hours of non-judgemental conversation.